Collage of kids from around Platte Valley School District

Potential MLO Extension/Increase & Bond

At the August 2024 regular board meeting, the Platte Valley Board of Education will vote on whether to pass a resolution on two potential ballot initiatives to be placed on the November ballot. The Board’s decision comes about after over two years of work investigating and evaluating school facilities and systems, analyzing potential options associated with the current middle school, and gathering feedback through community meetings beginning in April 2023.

The process led to a series of surveys sent through both mail and text message to the 1,808 Platte Valley School District households in Spring 2024. Highlights of those survey results are as follows:

  • 74% of survey respondents indicated having been aware of and knowing about the funding proposals.
  • 81% of survey respondents indicated they would be very likely to vote yes to extend/increase the existing mill levy override (54% definitely yes and 27% probably yes).
  • 77% of survey respondents indicated support for the proposed bond measure (52% definitely yes and 25% probably yes).

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the MLO and Bond Initiative

Bond/MLO News & Videos
    MLO/Bond Quick Facts
    • Seeking to extend the existing mill levy override (MLO) for another five years

    • Considering a bond measure to address districtwide facility needs, including replacing the 66-year-old Platte Valley Middle School and other building improvements.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Documents and renderings